Adjusting can be a tough thing to do particularly when we are going through such uncertain times. Working from home for many of us is a new experience and it can be difficult to get in the zone while in the comfort of your own home. Follow some of these simple tips to continue to work efficiently and effectively.
- When you wake up try stick to your usual routine. It’s important to get organised and dressed as you normally would as this helps to focus the mind on the day ahead.
- Set up a workspace at home just like you would have in work.
- Eat at the same times.
- Ensure you take short breaks.
- Exercise at least once a day or at least try get out for some fresh air.
The most important thing to do during this time is to embrace the situation you are in and make the most of it. Keep in touch with friends and family and utilise social media in a positive way by staying connected. You won’t always feel motivated but that is alright, key thing is to not be too hard on yourself.
But remember to stay at home, stay safe and wash your hands.