In recent times, there has been a complete shift in company practice, as more have started to offer additional healthcare benefits and incentives. Many companies are now investing in their employees overall wellness, as a happy workplace has a direct correlation with employee productivity.
It has become increasingly apparent that candidates are specifically seeking wellbeing benefits, as a requirement during their job search. This means that employers need to review and establish a complete workplace wellness programme, if they are to compete for talent amongst the other companies in their field.
A lot of people may ask themselves, “what is wellness?”. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of, and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. While overall wellness includes physical health, it also combines mental health and emotional wellbeing. Being able to manage stress and life, both in and out of work, are important elements that contribute to overall employee wellness.
Having a wellbeing programme and considering work-life balance are key factors for success that should not be overlooked. A wellness programme can boost employee satisfaction and improve the overall culture of the workplace, which has a direct impact on retaining staff and encouraging productivity.
While there are many initiatives a company can undertake when establishing a wellness program, it is important to note that small changes can make a big difference in employees overall health and wellness. Simple incentives like gym membership reimbursement, offering flexible working hours to encourage work-life balance, organising various team building activities, and having regular check-ins with your employees to ensure they are motivated and content, can all positively impact employee’s general wellness.
When establishing your wellness program, ensure the goals outlined benefit both your company and your employees. Organise a team meeting, and encourage all employees to participate in discussing their needs. It is vital to remember that employee wellness is an ongoing project. Look for feedback from your team to ensure the program is consistently improving and up to date.
It is important to remember an employee wellness program is more than just an employee perk, it is a way to ensure all employees are content in their jobs and therefore more productive in the long run.